Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Speak of the Devil" Part One

A Mix
Ryan's coworkers have started a group dedicated to making and sharing mix cds called, "The Order of the Mixtape." A few months back, the Order decided that we would all contribute a phrase that would be randomly assigned to another group member to create a mix for the month. I was thrilled when I got "Speak of the Devil" from Katie, and became consumed with the task of creating the perfect mix: I spent much of my free time incubating the mix and went so far as developing a storyline for the songs. Today's post will cover the Devil's time prior to being cast out of heaven, while part two's installment (out soon!) will begin with the Devil in limbo and bring things to the current state of affairs.

Before I get started on relating the storyline, it's important to note that the English Major nerd in me was a big reason I got so enthused about this project. In college I read Milton's Paradise Lost and frequently found myself saying, "You know, the Devil really has a good point here when....WHA! I'm agreeing with THE DEVIL?!" Now, Mr. Milton really knew what he was doing in inking a devil that seems so RIGHT in his thinking at times: Milton is making a statement about the spiritual condition of humanity that we would find the Devil's arguments so seductive and agreeable (side note: Hitler was good at this too). And why not? Don't we all have a lot in common with the Devil? Isn't his story a pretty human story?

1. "I Wanna Be Adored" - The Stone Roses

Our tale opens with a scene of Satan, the most beautiful of creations, feeling really great about himself, enjoying the attention he knows he so rightly deserves. Already he's pride is his strongest trait and, according to many Christian theologists, the original sin is the sin of pride. Satan's aspiration for adoration is the beginning of his fall from heaven because it eclipses his adoration for his creator as well as the tasks he was created to fulfill.

I Wanna Be Adored by The Stone Roses on Grooveshark

Admittedly, for this mix, I enjoy the song's oblique reference to Satan, "I don't have to sell my soul/ he's already in me." I was so proud of myself when I figured it out.

2. "Closest Thing to Heaven" - Tears for Fears

Satan is still enjoying the fruits of being "the closest thing to heaven," but he's starting to shirk his duties at the expense of others. He even ignores his reminders: "Throw your arms round the world /Make love your destination."

3. "Be Kind to My Mistakes" - Kate Bush

The Devil has the gall to think he can persuade God into letting the Devil's self-obsession off this time. I imagine many lovers have tried this line of argument.

"I don't know what you are looking for in me.
 I don't know what I want, but my heart is needing.
Am I yours? Are you mine?"

"Please... Please... Please... Please be kind,
Be kind to my mistakes.
Be kind, Be kind To me."

Be Kind To My Mistakes by Kate Bush on Grooveshark

4. "It's Personal" - The Radio Dept.

The Devil plots and schemes and-- with no intention of changing his behavior-- hopes God will continue to allow him a place of power and honor. (The Devil wants to be adored!) The Devil feels personally attacked when it becomes clear that things won't work out the way he wants them to.

5. "Into the Light" - Siouxsie & the Banshees

The Devil's iniquities are exposed: don't fear, he has his excuses.

"Standing in the light/ I never wanted to be right/ Now I'm attracted by the light/ And blinded by the sight."

It's not HIS fault. He was just doing what came naturally.

Into The Light by Siouxsie and the Banshees on Grooveshark

6. "Ocean of Noise" - Arcade Fire

In fact, it's clearly God's plan that the Devil act so out of tune with what was expected of him in heaven. Perversely, the Devil still thinks these problems can be worked out, that the lies he's beginning to tell might buy him the time he needs to keep a hold on his place in glory. "Now who here among us/ Still believes in choice?/ Not I/ ... You've got your reasons/ And me, I've got mine/ But all the reasons I gave/ Were just lies/ To buy myself some time/ And can we work it out?"

Ocean Of Noise by Arcade Fire on Grooveshark

The stormy sounds of the beginning of this song seem in-keeping with the  trouble that's brewing for the Devil: he's gonna get his butt kicked out of heaven.

7. "Judas" - Depeche Mode

The Devil goes so far as to accuse God of betraying him by creating him to be the wrong-doing creature he is. The Devil taunts God in his anger, knowing that he's on his way out. Listen to that snide tone: "Is simplicity best/ Or simply the easiest/ The narrowest path/ Is always the holiest/ So walk on barefoot for me/ Suffer some misery/ If you want my love." The Devil just doesn't think God'll do it.

Judas by Depeche Mode on Grooveshark

8. "Someone's Got it in for Me" - James

Obviously, the powers that be have it in for the Devil. Part of him wishes he could have a do-over, but he was given his chances and must now accept the consequences: "Someone's got it in for me/ I don't want your sympathy/ Life just never turned out how I wanted it to/ Should have been a shooting star/ ... / Fall, let it fall away these lies/  To be born again"

Notice how much time the Devil spends making excuses? Sounds familiar to my inner-monologue-listenin'-ear. Join us next time as we find the Devil IN LIMBO.

I had crazy big plans for epic illustrations but ran out of time. Above is the first half of the booklet that I made to go with the CD.

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